Friday, January 22, 2016

HerdCraft Mod 1.7.10


HerdCraft mod adds zero new items/blocks/mobs to the game, but to make it more interesting though more AI options, and tweaking how things spawn.

  • Horses, cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, skeletons, or zombies try to stick with their kind in groups.
  • Entire herds of horses, cows, or sheep stampede when any is injured. Pigs and chickens do the same, but are less organized about running away.
  • Feedable animals collectively follow players with food
  • Herds slowly reproduce on their own if there are enough and the herd is not too large.
  • When one zombie in a group spots you, you’ll draw the lot of them.
  • When one skeleton spots you, they form firing lines.
  • Occasionally, hordes of zombies spawn instead of the just the typical 1 to 4.
  • All of these behaviors is configurable by species.

    Download link
    HerdCraft Mod 1.7.10


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