Saturday, October 15, 2016

Titanium Penguins Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2



Titanium Sword
Kills almost anything instantly (Even the ender dragon)
Cost: About 2 titanium veins
Titanium Pickaxe
Breaks anything a diamond pickaxe could break, instantly
Cost: About 4 titanium veins
Titanium Axe
Breaks anything a diamond axe could break, instantly
Cost: About 4 titanium veins
Titanium Shovel
Breaks anything a diamond shovel could break, instantly
Cost: About 1 titanium vein
Titanium Hoe
Hoes 5603 blocks of dirt
Cost: About 2 titanium veins
Titanium Diamond Bomb
Explodes larger than tnt when shot
Titanium Bomb
Can be shot from hand, explodes about 1/4 of what tnt does
Block of Block of Titanium
Crafting Material, Can be placed
Titanium Infused Cobblestone
Titanium Dust
Used to make titanium ingot
Titanium Ingot
Crafting Material
Titanium Gold Ingot
Used to make lightning wand
Titanium Helmet
Under powered expensive piece of armor
Titanium Chestplate
Under powered expensive piece of armor
Titanium Leggings
Under powered expensive piece of armor
Titanium Boots
Under powered expensive piece of armor
Titanium Ore
Gives you 5-7 titanium dust when mined
Titanium Block
Used to make tools, and for decoration
Caldomec Ore
The ore of decoration
Block of Caldomec
Caldomec Infused Cobblestone
Caldomec Ingot
Crafting material
Dusty Iron
Used to make titanium ingot
Dusty Gold
Used to make titanium gold ingot
Bouncy Block of Bouncing
When walked on, you bounce
You will still take fall damage
Spawn Penguin
Spawns a penguin
When killed, drops bombs, tuxedos, or penguin meat
Penguins will naturally spawn in cold places such as ice spikes biomes, deserts, taigas, and everywhere else
Spawn Bear
Spawns a Bear
Bears will naturally spawn everywhere
Bear will jump at you and drop raw fish when killed
Edible food item, Does not need to be cooked because it?s already frozen as penguins live in cold places like deserts
Diamond Grenade Launcher
Infinite uses, Shoots titanium diamond bombs
You do not need bombs in your inventory
Grenade Launcher
40 uses I think, and shoots titanium bombs
You do not need bombs in your inventory
Lightning Wand
Occasionally spawns lightning when used, if lightning is spawned, it actualy makes fire, otherwise it makes fake lightning (Bug)
When lightning spawns, 1 durability is used (Any other durability used is not intended, and gets reset when you use it again)
Lightning Wand Cap
Used to craft lightning wand
BUGGED, Texture when wearing looks like top part of titanium pants
Spawn Cake
Spawns a living cake
Drops 1-2 cakes
Bouncy Biome
A biome that spawns naturaly covered in bouncy blocks of bouncing (The only legit way of getting them)
Watch out because it?s easy to die from fall damage


Titanium Penguins Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2

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