Wanna make yo buddies rage? Then try this mod! But dont worry, you can fix it all easily!
Troll TNT: Similar to normal TNT but just "hides" the blocks for a while.
Troll Fire Staff: Normal fire is too boring? Try something different! This staff works somehow similar to flint ?n’ steel.
Repair Staff: A boring item which e.g. extinguishes fire and primed TNT but also respawns "hidden" blocks instantly.
Troll Frame: A glass like block which despawns after a while but wihout any blockupdates. This makes it possible to create floating sand or gravel (or anvils, if you want to).
BUD Forcer: When powered via redstone it forces all blocks in range to update.
Living web: Some kind of plant like web which grows on it’s own
Camo: Giving the possibility to disguise blocks as one of 84 other vanilla Minecraft blocks.
TrollStuff Mod 1.6.4/1.6.2
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