Thursday, October 13, 2016

Enchantable Golden Apples Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4


Golden apples have been constantly changing since they were added back in infdev. Due to various changes to the game mechanics and developer whims, they have been nerfed, buffed, rebalanced, and nerfed again. Recently, the weaker version has been nerfed due to the developers trying to add the gamemode ultra-hardcore into the game. Their old nugget crafting recipe has been replaced with a ingot crafting, meaning that the gold to half heart ratio goes from 4:8/9 to 1:2. This mod undoes these nerf and brings a new dimension to enchanting and golden apples by returning the weak gold apple to its old 8 nugget recipe, and adding a new golden apple that can be enchanted.


This new golden apple is crafted the same way the old weak apple was crafted, aka with 8 gold ingots. Pre-enchanting this apple is the same as the nugget one, except that it restroes more hunger (configurable in the future). Enchanting this apple works like enchanting any other item, you will get 1-4 enchantments of various levels. There are 7 enchantments, some more rare than others, and some going up to higher levels than others. Each enchantment effects the potion effects given to the player, all effects are positive effects on the players health. Even if the apple does not contain an absorption or regeneration related enchantment, you will still receive the default absorption and regeneration enchantment unless you have a enchantment that replaces the regeneration or absorption with instant health or health boost.

Enchantable Golden Apples Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4

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