Tuesday, October 25, 2016

HermitQuest Mod 1.10.2


HermitQuest Mod is a challenging mod that requires you to fight all 17 Hermit Bosses to complete the mod.

Basically, this mod features 17 different blocks and there is a Hermit Boss in each block. All you have to do is finding and exploring them to win. However, this mod is actually more difficult, since the block generate on different places, biomes or are dropped by special mobs. As a result, you have to craft a Hermit Summoner and drop the corresponding block on top of it, then the Hermit Boss appears. Be careful as the Boss will attack you immediately and they always have their own powers to defeat you. On the other hand, you shouldn’t worry much, let’s try to keep patient and figure out the weakness of Boss to get through the mod successfully.

  • Iskallium ore: find this orde down in the depths, is green and glowing, rarer than diamond.
  • Stimpack chest: you may find this chest full of healing items on nether fortresses.
  • Golden log: Look close in the oak trees, there may be a golden piece of log.
  • Builder’s Crate: Have you seen one close to a village blacksmith? There’s rarely one there.
  • Tea plant: This is a rare plant that grows in the jungle.
  • Blue Slime Block: If you face a blue slime hopping on slime chinks, you may get a chance to get it to drop one of this blocks.
  • Zombie Flesh Block: In the nether, rarely a lady zombie spawns holding one of these, you can try and get her to drop it.
  • Crown in stone: Look for desert temples, you may nead to tear them all down and see if there’s a crown in the stone.
  • Snake leaves block: Look for it in the swamplands, can you hear it hiss? Remember to use shears.
  • @ Block: You may be lucky to find it on an end city.
  • Castle Diorite: It’s high in the mountains.
  • Cat liter: Special kitty sand you may find on a beach biome.
  • Cosmic Dust: Falls from the sky, but does not get to reach normal land, maybe in a high mountain.
  • Crafted Bench: Some villages have fancy crafting tables on their libraries.
  • Coffee Beans: Are they cocoa beans? No, Coffee beans, look almost the same.
  • Ocean Glass: On the ocean floor, hold your breath.
  • Helmet in Stone: Remember those desert wells? Knight helmets are some times in the sandstone.

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    HermitQuest Mod 1.10.2

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