What is this mod?
MobAura creates an aura around you so mobs within 6 blocks of you are repeatedly attacked by your current item until they die. It attacks hostile mobs, farm animals, and ghast fireballs, but you can turn on the ability to attack water animals, tameable mobs (such as wolves or ocelots/cats), villagers, and other living creatures (such as golems or the ender dragon). You can also turn off the ability to attack the ones that are on by default. MobAura will not attack players, vehicles (such as minecarts or boats), or any players? pets (yours or someone elses). MobAura is not intended for PVP.
MobAura will attack multiple mobs at the same time, but be careful on NoCheat servers with Auto-Ban. Note that MobAura has a nocheat-safe mode, which prevents attacking two mobs at the same time. This means it is less likely to be detected, not impossible to be detected.
MobAura Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
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