October 19, 2016
Emerald Armor. This armor is slightly better than diamond, and is twice as enchantable, however, you need emeralds!
Obsidian Armor. This armor is nearly 2 times diamond and will protect you from any attack, explosion, etc. that may come your way. These pieces of armoraren’tcrafted easily, you need to make obsidian plating to craft them!Additionally, the hardened glass is very hard to enchant, so you may want to stick to your emerald for that!
Crystal Armor. This includesRubies, Green, Blue, and YellowSapphires, Thesepiecesof armor have the protection of Iron, but the durability of Diamond.
Stone Armor. This armor is crafted with stone (hence stone :P). It has slightly more durability and protection than leather.
Wood Armor. This armor is crafted with pure planks, making it a great early start as far as armour goes. This is weaker and has less protection that leather however.
Steel Armor ? Steel Armor has the protection of Iron, but the durability of Diamond.
Titanium Armor ? Steel Armor has the protection and durability of Iron, but is more enchantable
Endium Armor ? Endium Armor has 2 times the strength of obsidian, and lasts for 2x as long!This is a end game item! It requires endium plates! A Endium Chestplate is stronger than an entire diamond set!
Quartz Armor ? This armor has the same strength and durability as crystal, but is more enchantable than emerald!
Metal Armor ? This includes copper and tin, it is slightly worse than iron.
Bronze Armor- This armor is slightly better than iron but has the same enchantability.Emerald Tools ? Emerald tools are slightly stronger and faster than diamond, and twice as enchantable.
Obsidian Tools ? Obsidian tools are 3 times more durable than diamond, and 64% faster. However, like their obsidian armor parts, they require obsidian plating and are hardly enchantable.
Crystal Tools ? These includeRubiesand all Sapphires. They are asefficientas iron, but last as long as diamond!
Steel Tools ? This is as efficient as iron, but last as long as diamond!
Titanium Tools ? Titanium is as efficient and has the durability of iron, but is more enchantable
Endium Tools ? Endium Tools has 2 times theefficiencyof obsidian, and lasts for 2x as long!This is a end game item! It requires endium plates!
Quartz Tools ? This armor has the sameefficiencyand durability as crystal, but is more enchantable than emerald!
Metal Armor ? This includes copper and tin, it is slightly less efficient than iron, and has half of the durability.
Bronze Armor- This armor is more efficient than iron and has 3 times the durability ( half of diamond! ).
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