Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pingus Mod 1.6.4/1.6.2


What is Pingus?

Pingus is a free lemming’s clone, originally made for Linux (operating system). It is a 2-D platformer where you try to get pingus (it means penguins in German or something) to an exit. They are not just ordinary penguins, you can give them special abilities like bomber or bridger (why does this give me an error for the word "bridger") to get to your goal. This mod adds the pingus and their (that’s the right kind of "there", right?) abilities. Pingus can only move in two dimensions, just like the game. The currently included abilities are bomber, basher, bridger, miner, and digger.

To use a pingu (single pingus), all you have to do is right click while facing the direction you want the pingu to go. It will travel in a straight line until it hits a wall. When that happens it will turn around and go in the opposite direction. To give a pingu an ability you either right click on a regular pingu with a specific item or you craft together a pingu item and the item that would give it an ability. All the items you can use are listed below. You then just use the crafted special pingu by right clicking just like you would use a normal pingu. A pingu will die if it is either, on fire, in water, in lava, or falls more than 5 blocks. To get a regular pingu back all you have to do is right click it with an empty hand.

Pingus Mod 1.6.4/1.6.2

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