SimpleGuns is a gun mod, as you could probably have guessed. But, at risk of sounding cliche, this one is different.
This mod features 10 guns. Three of them have bayonet-equipped variants and one has a scoped variant, for a total of 14 guns. There are also throwable bombs, which come in four materials and three types. It also has ramrods, which improve the rate of fire of certain guns, and gun racks, a block that allows you to show off your guns by placing them on a wall. So, without further ado, allow me to introduce them:
Damage: In half-hearts
Fire Rate: In rounds per second
Range: Arbitrary rating; can be poor, below-average, average, above average, or excellent
Accuracy: Arbitrary rating; can be poor, below-average, average, above average, or excellent; all guns receive an accuracy boost while crouched
Magazine Size: Number of shots before you have to reload
Ammunition Type: Ammunition used by this gun
Description: My description of the gun; (SG) means this is a shotgun, (S) means this gun has a scoped variant, (B) means this gun has a bayonet-equipped variant; (A) means this gun is fully automatic, (R) means this gun receives a speed bonus from ramrods
SimpleGuns Mod 1.5.2
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