Friday, October 21, 2016

The Living Blocks Mod 1.7.2


This mod is all about making Minecraft come alive (quite literally) in order to add a bit more fun but still functionality to the game. It adds a number of so called "Living" blocks and a few others that are very unique to this mod. All of the following mobs: drop themselves upon death (so a diamond ore for the living diamond); get progressively faster and harder to kill the rarer they are and all spawn respective to where they would spawn underground (so emerald in extreme hills biomes and diamond below level 16).

Here are the first 7 "Living Ores"; the living: coal (slowest, 10 hearts), iron (slow 15, hearts), gold (slow, 15 hearts), redstone (average speed, 20 hearts), lapis (average speed, 20 hearts), emerald (fast, 25 hearts) and diamond (fast, 25 hearts). Be careful though, none of these guys can swim so are very susceptible to drowning in both water and lava.

Next up we have 3 living blocks based off the plants in Minecraft with one being hostile. These are the living: melon (slow, 10 hearts), pumpkin (slow, 10 hearts) and cactus (slow, 10 heart, deals half a heart). They all spawn where you would normally find them so melons in jungles, pumpkins in most and cacti in desert and mesa biomes. This time however, don’t worry about them drowning as they can swim, but lava will still kill them so watch out for that.

The Living Blocks Mod 1.7.2

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