Single Player Console Mod
A mineshaft made with the structure command.Use ?~’ to bring display console.
Type ?/c /help’ to get a list of commands
Using code from SinglePlayerCommands by simo_415
WorldEdit support is included with…Read More
Obly’s Animal Mod
All animals spawn like vanilla passive mobs and are quite rare.Screenshots:Sheeper spawn in normal minecraft and aren’t very common..
Obly’s Animal Mod …Read More
The Runic Dust Mod
So this mod allows you to draw runes on the ground physically and outside the crafting gui. Depending on what pattern you draw and what you give as a sacrifice, something magical will happen.Screenshots:
…Read More
Better Sound Mod
This mod adds reverberation effects to different environments and an attenuation mechanic to all blocks. All of this allows for sound-proof rooms, reverberating booms from a hovering ghast, and most importa…Read More
Real Life Seasons Mod
This mod checks your system calendar for the current date and then changes the texture pack to a seasonally specific set of textures. The seasons do not change in-game, nor are any of the game feature…Read More
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