Monday, October 17, 2016

Underground Biomes Constructs Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4


This is a revision and extension of the outstanding Underground Biomes mod, originally by ExterminatorJeff and later by GromPE. Originally Constructs added stairs, walls, and buttons in almost all of the UB stones, including smoothstone, cobble, and brick versions. This new version adds many more features and fixes listed below.


  • Biome size setting works The underground biomes were generating with a biome size of 3 regardless of the size in the config file (= very roughly 128 blocks across). This has been fixed. The size will now be 16 x 2^(configsize), so 16 for 0, 128 for 3, 512 for 5, 16K for 10, and so on. Anything over 21 would make the entire mine craft world, out to block 30,000,000,  one single biome. Any value over 21 is set to 3 so if you use an existing config you?ll get a distribution with the same character as what you had before.
  • The default has been changed to 3 (same result as old configs with the current release). At that setting, you will almost always see multiple underground biomes in any outdoor screenshot. If you like seeing large stretches of similar stone, I would recommend a setting of 5, which makes most biome blobs a single type of strata column. A config setting of 5 does mean that most 2K by 2K max zoom maps will be missing a few stone types.
  • Faster Generation UBConstructs now passes blocks by reference inside terrain generation and this speeds up generation by a factor of at least 2. Also, large parts of the generation process were not producing useful effects and are now skipped. On my computer (a 2 year old Mac) UB can almost keep up with flying in creative, and I never have any problems at all while walking around.
  • Easier vanilla stone recipe The default recipe for UB stone to vanilla stone in new config files has been changed from 4 -> 1 to 4 -> 4. Settings in existing config files will not change.
    UBConstructs now works server-side
  • UB stone buttons are now properly destroyed by pickaxes
  • One stone for one button UB stone buttons are now made with the same recipe as vanilla stone buttons ? 1 stone for 1 button, shapeless. This will conflict with the 1 UB stone -> 1 vanilla stone recipe you can get by changing the configs, so you can?t use that recipe and UB buttons at the same time. I would recommend using the 4 -> 4 stone conversion recipe instead. There?s a config option to shut off the buttons if you wish.
  • Implementation of UB features UBConstructs was written from a slightly older version of Underground Biomes, and was missing a couple of (relatively minor) improvements and bug fixes from the latest release. All these have been added to Constructs except the multipliers for stone hardness and explosion resistance.
  • Smoothstone and Cobblestone slabs for all stones
  • API available There is a simple API that allows another mod to get the block ID and metadata UB would generate at a particular block location. Performance should be close to that of UB generation itself if used properly. Even non-optimized use seems fine on my computer.
  • Smoother strata transitions option There is an option in the config file, ?harmoniousStrata? that rearranges the strata layers slightly to stop black-white transitions. Default is off (old strata)
  • Cobblestone replacement There is an option to replace cobblestone made by world generation with the appropriate UB cobblestone.  Stone stairs become oak; making UB stairs during village generation is difficult. Default is off. An addition config setting is available to convert village gravel into brick (default is off.)

  • Download
    Underground Biomes Constructs Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4

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