Monday, February 27, 2017

Bed Bugs Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2


Bed Bugs Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 adds some tools (such as a button to the sleeping GUI and a command), allowing a player to kick themselves from the server when sleeping, allowing you to escape beds when stuck in them. This fixes the annoying issue of being stuck in a bed, a vanilla Minecraft bug, without having to completely restart the game.

When you typically press ‘Leave Bed’, that is exactly what you expect to happen. And, assuming that is the case (as it usually is), then this mod won’t do a thing, staying nice and unobtrusive.

If however, you press the ‘Leave Bed’ button and you don’t leave the bed, a button will pop up, allowing you to kick yourself from the server.

Download here :
Bed Bugs Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

See more :
Minecraft 1.11.2 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11.2
Minecraft 1.11 Maps


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