Soul Forest Mod adds 29 new ores, where 6 of those generate in the overworld, and the rest generates in the new dimension called Soul Forest. In this Soul Forest Dimension you will find Grass, dirt Porphory, Slate, Granite, my custom tree which is called the grapetree. On these trees you will find 6 types of vines (Baneberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Cranberry, Razzberry, Raspberry, Strawberry), you can even find some cocoa beans on them. There is this weird thing going on with these trees where the vines don?t always spawn on the log itself, i am working on this. The world is a giant underground world, having large pools of water at the bottom and large patches of grass on the middle-top. To get to this dimension you will have to create a portal (same frame as the nether portal frame) but instead of obsidian you use Silver (temporarily) and to activate it you place a silverore (temporarily) inside the frame, like you would normally do with flint and steel. This will change in later versions aswell as the portalblock texture which is now the purple one. This mod adds about 12 new tool sets and 2 tiers above diamond. Also this mod adds 7 new armor sets.
Mod Showcase:
Soul Forest Mod 1.7.10/1.6.2/1.5.2
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