Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hoverboard Mod 1.7.10


As you have probably gathered already, this mod adds in futuristic styled hoverboards to Minecraft. There are also new items to craft the hoverboard and its power, as well as a new block to help with the crafting recipes.


The image above shows the four variants of the hoverboards. The first one (Left to Right) is the basic hoverboard. This is equiped with its own GUI and you just right click it with an empty hand to mount it. You will be able to use WASD to control it and also customizable controls to go upwards and downwards (Default: Z, X). To open the GUI the default key is ‘I’ or click it with an item in your hand. To the right of the basic hoverboard, there is the missile upgraded hoverboard. This will function the same as the basic hoverboard, but will let you launch missiles. The defualt key for this is ‘R’. You are able to change the amount of missiles launched via the GUI arrow section. To the right of that, there is the thruster hoverboard. This has a slight different model and has a thruster at the back. This will let you travel at faster speeds. Finally, there is the advance hoverboard. This is a combination of the missiles and thruster hoverboard. All the hoverboards will cycle through different colours and can suck up close by items into the users hand (disabled in config). They also put out a light source at night or in the dark that will decay shortly after (can be disabled in game or config for servers). Going in lava will cause damage to the hoverboard and rapidly raise the heat bar, you will need to get it out fast before it gets stuck and destroys. Going underwater will loose heat but will also slowly damage the hoverboard.

Hoverboard Mod 1.7.10

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