SpaceCore 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
How to install:Download and install Minecraft Forge.
Download the SpaceCore from link below.
Go to .minecraft/mods folder. If the "mods" folder does not exist you can create one.
Windows –…Read More
Soul Forest Mod 1.7.10/1.6.2/1.5.2
Soul Forest Mod adds 29 new ores, where 6 of those generate in the overworld, and the rest generates in the new dimension called Soul Forest. In this Soul Forest Dimension you will find Grass, dirt Porphory…Read More
Configurable Health Mod 1.8/1.7.10
Screenshots and How to config:For example, a player config of: ?player config? { I:playerMaxHealth=60 I:playerStartHealth=38 } Results in the following when a player spawns: Additionally, Heart Fragments c…Read More
Fruit Charcoal Mod 1.7.10
Fruit Charcoal Mod adds in game sugar cane, melons, carrots, pumpkins, wheat, potatoes and netherwarts.Items/Blocks:Realism By default, the biofuel will smelt 6 items. Bits smelt exactly 1 item. ?Not Reali…Read More
Ore Dowsing Mod 1.7.10
The Ore Dowsing mod provides items called Dowsing Rods which can help find ores and other blocks. When you right-click with a Dowsing Rod it highlights ores which it finds in a cube around you (sized from 9…Read More
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