Thursday, June 1, 2017

Zelda Mobs Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 (Gibdos and Darknuts)

Description Zelda Mobs Mod does exactly what the name implies. It mainly implements various iconic mobs from the Zelda franchise into Minecraft such as Gibdos, Darknuts, Bokoblins or Stalchild. There will be more mobs updated in the future. If you are a big fan of Zelda, this mod is extremely perfect for you.GibdoDarknut...

Railcraft Cosmetic Additions Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10

Description Railcraft Cosmetic Additions is a pretty cool mod that aims to add cosmetic pieces to Railcraft Mod such as signals, railway signs, items for crafting or platform pieces.SignalsSemaphore Semaphore Repeater Banner Repeater...

Wizard’s Vending Machine Mod 1.10.2

Description Wizard’s Vending Machine Mod, as the name implies, allows players to build some vending machines for your home. These machines are extremely convenient because they will provide you foods and snack, soda to fulfill your stomach; or even real functional medicine and water!Rather than going out to buy foods, now all you have to do is using your gold, turning your...

Better Than Llamas Mod 1.11.2 for Minecraft

Description Better Than Llamas Mod introduces Dapper Llamas into Minecraft. These objects promise to make the appearance of your world more adorable and also a touch of elegance. There are also fezs and curly moustaches added to the game.The mod will deliver so many impresses because individual parts of outfit can be disabled, and llamas are randomly weighted for fanciness;...

Earthworks Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 (Earthen, Ancient, Prehistoric)

Description Earthworks Mod gives players ability to access to various building materials which are inspired from many times of the past such as Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.Installing the mod means that you will get many prehistoric materials such as wattle and daub, wicker, rammed earth, and adobe bricks. Don’t underestimate these crude materials because they are...

Smaug Mod 1.7.10 (King Under The Mountain)

Description Smaug Mod features a dangerous boss to Minecraft called Smaug The Dragon. There are also custom armor, staff and bow (DragonForge) for you to ultilize. Especially, you can access to your own pet Smaug  which supports you to fly anywhere in this world.Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder,...

Fancy Block Particles Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Fancy Block Particles Mod is a high-quality mod that aims to turn old 2D Minecraft breaking/digging particles 3D. The mod promises to give players well Minecraft animations which enhance the game’s visual and gameplay.You can change how the particles look, how they behaveYou can adjust the brightness of the particles...

Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Mod has been rebuilt from Shoulder Surfing Mod for latest Minecraft. The main function of the mod is to replace the default third person behind-the-body view (F5 key) with a more traditional “over the shoulder” view. Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold...

Craftable Totem And ChainMail Armor Mod 1.11.2

Description Craftable Totem And ChainMail Armor Mod, as the name suggests, allows players to craft the Totem Of Undying and the ChainMail armor. Through it, you now can create or make two things that can not be manufactured in Minecraft. This mod is quite effective for players.Totem Of UndyingMinecraft Forge...

Advanced Hook Launchers Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Advanced Hook Launchers Mod proves to be a functional mod in Minecraft. As what the name implies, this mod will add different hooks with launchers into the game.Each of them has its own specific purpose such as climbing, abseiling, jumping off cliffs, pulling entities or players, and even slaying the dragons. Well, through it, you are able to execute many crazy...