Thursday, June 1, 2017

Zelda Mobs Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 (Gibdos and Darknuts)

Description Zelda Mobs Mod does exactly what the name implies. It mainly implements various iconic mobs from the Zelda franchise into Minecraft such as Gibdos, Darknuts, Bokoblins or Stalchild. There will be more mobs updated in the future. If you are a big fan of Zelda, this mod is extremely perfect for you.GibdoDarknut...

Railcraft Cosmetic Additions Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10

Description Railcraft Cosmetic Additions is a pretty cool mod that aims to add cosmetic pieces to Railcraft Mod such as signals, railway signs, items for crafting or platform pieces.SignalsSemaphore Semaphore Repeater Banner Repeater...

Wizard’s Vending Machine Mod 1.10.2

Description Wizard’s Vending Machine Mod, as the name implies, allows players to build some vending machines for your home. These machines are extremely convenient because they will provide you foods and snack, soda to fulfill your stomach; or even real functional medicine and water!Rather than going out to buy foods, now all you have to do is using your gold, turning your...

Better Than Llamas Mod 1.11.2 for Minecraft

Description Better Than Llamas Mod introduces Dapper Llamas into Minecraft. These objects promise to make the appearance of your world more adorable and also a touch of elegance. There are also fezs and curly moustaches added to the game.The mod will deliver so many impresses because individual parts of outfit can be disabled, and llamas are randomly weighted for fanciness;...

Earthworks Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 (Earthen, Ancient, Prehistoric)

Description Earthworks Mod gives players ability to access to various building materials which are inspired from many times of the past such as Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.Installing the mod means that you will get many prehistoric materials such as wattle and daub, wicker, rammed earth, and adobe bricks. Don’t underestimate these crude materials because they are...

Smaug Mod 1.7.10 (King Under The Mountain)

Description Smaug Mod features a dangerous boss to Minecraft called Smaug The Dragon. There are also custom armor, staff and bow (DragonForge) for you to ultilize. Especially, you can access to your own pet Smaug  which supports you to fly anywhere in this world.Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder,...

Fancy Block Particles Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Fancy Block Particles Mod is a high-quality mod that aims to turn old 2D Minecraft breaking/digging particles 3D. The mod promises to give players well Minecraft animations which enhance the game’s visual and gameplay.You can change how the particles look, how they behaveYou can adjust the brightness of the particles...

Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Mod has been rebuilt from Shoulder Surfing Mod for latest Minecraft. The main function of the mod is to replace the default third person behind-the-body view (F5 key) with a more traditional “over the shoulder” view. Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold...

Craftable Totem And ChainMail Armor Mod 1.11.2

Description Craftable Totem And ChainMail Armor Mod, as the name suggests, allows players to craft the Totem Of Undying and the ChainMail armor. Through it, you now can create or make two things that can not be manufactured in Minecraft. This mod is quite effective for players.Totem Of UndyingMinecraft Forge...

Advanced Hook Launchers Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Advanced Hook Launchers Mod proves to be a functional mod in Minecraft. As what the name implies, this mod will add different hooks with launchers into the game.Each of them has its own specific purpose such as climbing, abseiling, jumping off cliffs, pulling entities or players, and even slaying the dragons. Well, through it, you are able to execute many crazy...

Chisels & Bytes Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 for Minecraft

Description Chisels & Bytes Mod enables players to export Chisels & Bits blocks or their designs into the file format which the OpenComputers Mod 3D printer can read. Now players can use Chisel & Bytes to create blueprints of the designs of the items sculpted from Chisel & Bytes. This mod is only compatible with client-side.There are two prominent advantages...

MineFantasy 2 Mod 1.7.10 (Medieval War)

Description MineFantasy 2 Mod is one of the most interesting mod in Minecraft that you should consider try once. The purpose of the mod is to improve many features, especially in crafting. Once installing the mod, you will learn some features listed below:A large number of interactive crafting methods such as Forging, smelting and refining. Note that the simpler crafting,...

Santa’s Decor Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10 (New Decorative Blocks)

Description Santa’s Decor Mod has been known as a decorative mod that aims to implement different new decorative blocks into Minecraft. The mod features new colors of blocks including wooden logs and planks, smooth stone, cobblestone, stone bricks, chiseled stone bricks, quartz, pillar quartz, chiseled quartz, and glassPerhaps the most highlight feature which makes this...

Forgotten Items Mod 1.11.2 (Rediscovered Items)

Description Forgotten Items is a mod that has been made to add many new unique Items and Tools to Minecraft. The interesting feature of these things is that they are crafted in a special way.Rather than having normal crafting recipe, their recipe can be changed regarding to the world you’re in. This feature is quite fantastic; because once you start a new fresh world, you...

Advanced Shulkerboxes Mod 1.11.2

Description Advanced Shulkerboxes Mod allows players to implement a useful feature which players can interact with your Shulker Box from your inventory. The way to run this map is also simple and straightforward. All you have to do is right click the Shulker Box item in your inventory, the GUI of the Shulker Box shows up then. Minecraft Forge...

Combined Potions Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Combined Potions Mod gives you ability to craft potions with different effects together to make a single potion with multiple effects. The mod also features splash potions, lingering potions and tipped arrows to add more depth to the gameplay. There are including potions and arrows added by the Potion Core mod as well.Put potions in the crafting tableGet a combined...

INpureCore 1.7.10 (Library for Valaelea’s Mods)

Description INpureCore 1.7.10 is just a core library for all current Valaelea’s mods.Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft....

CubicCore 1.7.10 (Library for Cubic_Control’s Mods)

Description CubicCore 1.7.10 is a library mod using for Cubic_Control’s mods such as: NeighborCraft Mod, TattleTail Craft Mod?Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft....

Architect Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 (Make Repetitive Building Tasks Easier)

Description Architect Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 provides a small toolset to make building repetitive structures a breeze. It allows creating Blueprints (patterns) of structures in the world using a simple but powerful selection system: single blocks can be toggled to be included in a Sketch by right-clicking them, ranges can be added/removed by sneak-right-clicking to start a selection...

MrTJPCore 1.10.2/1.7.10 (Library for Mr_TJP’s Mods)

Description MrTJPCore 1.10.2/1.7.10 a basic library used by all of Mr_TJP’s mods.Setup is slightly different depending on what system and IDE you use. This assumes you know how to run gradle commands on your system. The base command, ./gradlew being used below is for Linux or Unix based systems. For windows, this would simply change to gradlew. Of course, if you dont need...

Chest Cow Mod 1.11.2 for Minecraft

Description Chest Cow Mod is a functional mod that gives players ability to attach a chest to a cow. All you have to do is using right-click, then your cow finally is possible to carry around your items. It sounds like a portable chest and is quite interesting.Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold...

BuildCraft Builders Module 1.8.9/1.7.10

Description BuildCraft Builders Module focuses on adding means which allows players to mine minecraft landscape in an easier way. There are a large number things including Quarry, Filler, Builder, Architect Table, Electronic Library and so on. Through them, you are able to manipulate the land, mine, build, copy and then store the structures. It’s actually trying the mod...

BuildCraft Energy Module 1.8.9/1.7.10

Description BuildCraft Energy Module features many useful resources and machines which you can use to create Redstone Flux. These are Stirling Engine, Combustion, Oil and Fuel. You will soon learn that Kinesis pipes already appear in the Transport module. If you want to refine oil, you have to get Factory module or the BuildCraft Additions mod.Minecraft ForgeBuildCraft...

BuildCraft Silicon Module 1.8.9/1.7.10

Description The objective of BuildCraft Silicon Module is to give players ability to control their BuildCraft world in a more advanced manner through many useful means. Once installing the module, you have chance to experience some features like the assembly, integration & charging station, gates, lasers and more.Minecraft ForgeBuildCraft Mod...

BuildCraft Transport Module 1.8.9/1.7.10

Description BuildCraft Transport Module is a simple module which enables players to automate the movements of items fluids and Redstone Flux across your world. In order to do that, you will be provided with some tools such as pipes, facades, lenses and filters and the Filtered Buffer as well.Minecraft ForgeBuildCraft Mod...

BuildCraft Robotics Module 1.8.9/1.7.10

Description Like other module, BuildCraft Robotics Module will allow players to automate their world in the coolest possible way. But the thing makes this module different from others is the fact that you will use robots to automate your world. The module features with robots (of course), the docking station, zone planner, map location and more. If you want to run this...

BuildCraft Factory Module 1.8.9/1.7.10

Description BuildCraft Factory Module features all low tech automation available in BuildCraft. Through it, you can manipulate the fluid, store, auto craft the fluid and so on. Surely these features are extremely helpful.Minecraft ForgeBuildCraft Mod...

CryBaby Mod 1.10.2 (Tears and Bottle)

Description CryBaby is a small mod that allows you to use your tears to make salt. All you have to do is cry, then boil down your tears into the purest form of salt. After that, you need to emty the bottle and repeat the process all over. The recipe to create item called “Tear Bottle” is using 1 Bottle and 1 Leather.Tear Bottle: Right click to cry into the bottle and fill...

OpenSecurity Mod 1.7.10 (RFID Cards, Entity Detectors)

Description OpenSecurity Mod, like the name implies, implements security oriented components for use with OpenComputers, RID Cards, MagStrip cards, Alarms and Entity Detectors.OSAlarm: Computer or Redstone controlled though right now there is no way to change the alarm sound outside of computer control. RFID Reader Block: RFID Reader Block you to read RFID Cards in a players...

Quick Consume Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 (Simple Mod)

Description As the name suggests, Quick Consume Mod offer 2 extra slots which helps you consume food easier and faster. All you have to do is just clicking of a key, then your food will be consumed automatically.2 slots that you can use to quickly consume food/potions. Automatic food consumption (disabled by default, can be enabled through the config file). Craftable...

Ice and Fire Mod 1.10.2 (Dragons in a Whole New Light)

Description Ice and Fire Mod does exactly what the name implies, it will give players a true dragon experience with ice and fire. This mod features two main types of dragon including ice dragons and fire dragons.Each of them has its own properties. While Fire Dragons breathe fire and roam most of the habitable world, Ice Dragons rule the cold and frozen lands. Of course,...

Elevators Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 by Thutmose

Description Elevators Mod, like the name implies, features many fantastical elevators into Minecraft world. Currently, this mod supports up to 64 floors; and the highlight feature of each floor is the fact that it includes many controllers, so long as they are directly touching each other.ElevatorsDisplay States...

DynamicCraft Mod 1.7.10 (Become a Wizard)

Description DynamicCraft Mod has function of adding many things to change your Minecraft into a magical world. Once installing the mod, you can obtain wizards, wands, altars, runes and many other things. It’s worth mentioning that each of them has its own special ability.For instance, runes enable players to get immunity to certain damage, whereas wands give power like...

ThirdPerson Everything Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description ThirdPerson Everything is an awesome mod that aims to change the camera to be in third person whenever necessary.For instance; when you enter a boat, the mod automatically switches the camera into third person view; and once you leave that boat, the camera will switches into the first person. This feature is quite useful and benefits players much.Especiall,...

Even More Buttons Mod 1.7.10

Description Even More Buttons Mod introduces many extra buttons into Minecraft. They are extremely functional because players can use them on the own block so they look camouflaged.Dirt Button Redstone Button Diamond Button Gold Button Emerald Button Lapis Button Coal Button Brick Button Glass Button Iron ButtonMinecraft Forge...

Ender IO Addons Mod 1.7.10 (New Machines)

Description As what the name implies, Ender IO Addons Mod is an add-on mod for Ender IO Mod. Its main objective is to provide players with a couple of machines to Ender IO such as Cobblestone Framework, Drain,  Impulse Hopper or Niard. These machines surely interest you much through their special features.The Cobblestone Framework is a machine that generates Cobblestone...

Mod Name Tooltip Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2

Description Mod Name Tooltip Mod is a simple mod that aims to show an ItemStack’s mod name on its tooltip. It means that the mod will tell you what mod a particular item belong to.Perhaps one of the most impressive things of this mod is the fact that it has no interaction with other mod, therefore this mod is quite extremely reliable. Hope that this great mod will make...

Custom Starter Gear Mod 1.10.2 for Minecraft

Description Custom Starter Gear Mod gives players ability to control the items they will start with when they login for the first time. Through this mod, you not only can remove book/ manuals, but also place the items back in exactly the same slots with support for armor and off-hand. There are many other things you might handle with when using this mod. Enjoy it!Removes...

Wild Mobs Mod 1.7.10 (New Vanilla Styled Mobs)

Description Wild Mobs Mod allows players to implement many new mobs to the Minecraft game. Interestingly, these mobs absolutely fit the style of Vanilla Minecraft.These mobs are Deer, Fox, Cougar or Zomgus. Most of them are from animals from real life and based on folklore as well. Each mob has its own special features which promise to enhance your Minecraft experience...

Galaxy Note 7 Mod 1.11.2 (Fun Little Mod, Sumsang)

Description Galaxy Note 7 Mod is quite a fun mod that you should consider try once in Minecraft. This mod will add a phone which explodes when right clicked. It’s actually a enjoyable feature.Minecraft ForgeOn windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder...

PlusTiC Mod 1.10.2 (Tinkers Construct Plus Other Mods)

Description PlusTiC Mod basically implements integration of Tinkers Construct with some other mods. Besides that, there is also a toggle GUI which allows one to enable/disable certain modifiers such as Global Traveler, Mana and so on. All you have to do is press “T” to open the mod while a tool with such a modifier is in the player’s hand.Biomes o Plenty by Glitchfiend...

HardLib 1.11.2/1.10.2 (Library for Draco18s’s Mods)

Description HardLib brings players shared library code for the Hard Ores, Underground, and Wildlife mods. The mod also features a variety of code hooks and intercommunication libraries.Part of the Reasonable Realism collection.Minecraft Forge...

Darwin Mod 1.6.4 (Mobs Evolution, Animals Crossing)

Description Darwin Mod, without doubt, is a new fantastic mod in Minecraft game. The main objective of this mod is to add a particular mob which has chromosomes with genes. Well, that sounds extremely freaky. Through it, players can cross-breed mobs and create entire new species. There are many impressive features of this type of mobs that you surely interest:The genetics...

TattleTail Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10 (Summon Your Own Baby TattleTail)

Description TattleTail Mod is a mod that basically inspired from a thrilling game called Tattletail. As the name implies, this mod mainly features tattletails to Minecraft, of course including the scary Mama Tattletail as well. There are also many items added like Bandage, Mystery egg, Christmas light and so on.Items:Purple TattleTail Yellow TattleTail Blue TattleTail...

Crafting Dead Mod 1.6.4 (Survive the Zombie Apocalypse)

Description Crafting Dead Mod enhances player’s Minecraft experiences by putting them into a Zombie Apocalypse. Installing this mod means that you have chance to face with many challenges including looking for loot, crafting base parts and fending off endless masses of zombies.Also, the mod features backpacks, clothing, tactical vests, guns and melee weapons which you can...

Club Penguin Mod 1.11.2 (More Penguins, Puffles)

Description Club Penguin Mod does exactly what the name suggests. This mod focuses on adding a bunch of different Penguins, Puffles, and food from the game Club Penguin into Minecraft. If you are a big fan of  Club Penguin, the mod is what you are looking for.All Main Puffles:Rainbow & Gold Puffles. Puffle-O Berry. Puffle’s favourite foods. Penguin Main Colors....

Open Terrain Generator Flatlands Mod 1.10.2

Description Open Terrain Generator Flatlands Mod 1.10.2 is a superflat world preset for Open Terrain Generator with many different biomes and super sized villages.Minecraft ForgeOpen Terrain Generator Mod...

Open Terrain Generator Skylands Mod 1.10.2

Description Open Terrain Generator Skylands Mod 1.10.2 adds skylands world preset for Open Terrain Generator with interconnected floating islands and void below. Floating islands terrain is very intensive to generate and can cause lag when initialising a world, this lag should pass after a few minutes. In the mean time you can pre-generate a world in SP to avoid exploration...

Thaumcraft NEI Plugin 1.7.10 (Recipes in Thaumonomicon)

Description Thaumcraft NEI Plugin aims to integrate Thaumcraft recipes into the NEI menu. This feature of the mod is quite funtional because through it player now won’t have to open their Thaumonomicon to find the recipe any more.Additionally, this mod also shows aspects in the NEI menu, which allows you to implement something below:Show the aspects they are composed of...