In real life, a grain of sand is tiny, and they are easy to move around. Minecraft?s sand is a block, but it is also affected by gravity. It all stays together and beaches just don?t feel how they should. Another thing is that if you have an empty bucket in your hand, and you right-click the sand with a shovel, you can pick it up. Not only this, but if you smelt this sand, you will get vanilla sand, in which case would be renamed to Hardened Sand. Then you can smelt it again for glass. Also, if sand was right above water, and sand is removed, there could be quicksand. In that case, the water underneath the quicksand would be turned to regular sand, and the quicksand would pull you under it. Lastly, if sand and water colide side-by-side, water will create a wave effect by putting the lowest water there is in the game right on top of the sand.
How to install:
Better Sand Mod 1.7.10
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