Monday, November 28, 2016

Elemental Masters Combat System Mod 1.7.10


Elemental Masters Combat System Mod adds attacks which you can use to defeat mobs. There are at least 10 attacks per element. Each element has it’s own creative tab and ore/gem. They also have a gem staff which allows you to travel to the corresponding elemental dimension. Each element will also have it’s own apprentice mob, which attack you with attacks in that element. Each element will have it’s own master mob, which attacks you with the strong attacks in that element. Each attack will consume a set amount of energy, an item which you can craft from energy dust. You can obtain energy dust when you kill any mob.

This mod is a remake Elemental Masters but with a new and more advanced combat system. The item ‘Energy’ (With a few new energy items: Energy Ring and Energy Spiral) is still in game, but are used for something else, and are not for using attacks. The new combat system brings 2 bars – the energy bar, and the player’s skill bar. The energy bar shows how much energy you have left. When you use an attack, it consumes a set amount of energy.

Current Attacks:

Elemental Masters Combat System Mod 1.7.10

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