Minema Mod allows you to record jerk-free movies in Minecraft, no matter how slow your PC or how complex the scenery is. This is made possible by a temporary modification of the game timer that ensures a constant game time passed between each frame, disabling any synchronization with the actual time. In other words: performance doesn?t matter for smooth videos anymore! Technically, it can be compared with the
startmovie command in Source engine or the
fixed_time_step variable in CryEngine.
Mod Showcase:
With this mod, you can easily record ridiculously complex scenes, like 32000 eggs and arrows spawned simultaneously at one point with random velocity If you tried to record that with tools like Fraps, you would get nothing more than a slideshow. Even if your PC is fast enough for the targeted movie frame rate, it usually produces less smooth results than Minema. But keep in mind that this mod is designed for intermediate users that need to record cinematic or experimental Minecraft movies rather than for ?normal? gameplay movies.
Minema Mod 1.8/1.7.10/1.6.4
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