Currently we have implimented:
Modular Ender Storage System (MESS) MESS is a storage system similar to that of AE and the Ender Chest. you have the block MESS Core, which is linked to you, as you add more storage ?limbs? around connected to the core you have access to more slots in the inventory to add more types of items. this inventory can be accessed via the MESSI item.
Enderium Rebirth Crystal An item that revives you from a mortal wound at your respawn point with all your inventory, however you are in a weakened state and where you are revived is not always in safety. There is also a cheaper alternative that teleports you within 16 blocks creating an explosive crater in your wake
Sortivator A block that sorts the contents of Adjasent Chests. It acts like inventory tweaks, except that you dont need to be there, and it responds to redstone signal, this is useful if you have pipes pulling and pushing from the one chest, making multiple stacks of the same item, but each stack isnt quite full, taking up space, this block aims to fix that.
Damara?s Remedy A block that is similar to Farmland except it supports all plants like crops, suger cane, cactus. it also has the added benefit of increacing the growthspeed of the crop by the amount of Damara?s Remedy blocks you have stacked ontop of each other. the amount you can stack that has effect on the growth of the plants is editable in the configs, aswell as how high you want cactus and suger cane to grow (do you want it to grow its default of 3, or up to world height for fun, or dont want to place them that high)
Creeper Mite Not quite a utility, but i can argue that its useful for server owners to make the game harder. its a silverfish/creeper type mob that has a random chance to spawn from long grass, also if you attack them, or over time as they chace you, they will spawn new Creeper Mites from the long grass around them. so its best to deal with them quickly. they also happen to like living in creepers. so when killing creepers whatch out too!
Prosperity Enchantment ?Enchantment? Enchantment!? yes, this enchantment is fortune built into autosmelting, it can also smelt your logs into charcoal for you!
Icarus Enchantment This enchantment can only be placed on your chestplate, while enchanted you now have access to creative flight, however your chestplate?s durability degrades over time.
Arse Tardis the Arse Tardis is a hotkey that allows you to swap around your inventory slots, making building easier, or even fighting.
Achievements just started adding achievements, one of the more notable ones is a reference to my first video of the creepermites, if you can get them to blow you up as high as 500 blocks (i did just shy of 600) then you earn an achievement.
Utils Mod 1.7.10 by Gnomorian
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