This mod adds in eight new high end machines, including a laser emiiter. The machines use large amounts of power to automate lengthy tasks, such as building or mining. The lasers can be configured to different modes, which can do anything from electrifying nearby water to pulling mobs and items inwards.
Airships: The airship system is intended as a simple way to create moving vehicles. An airship consists of two blocks: A controller and a motor. When a red stone signal is applied to the controller, it triggers all nearby motors. When a motor is triggered, It moves and takes nearby blocks with it. The direction of movement corresponds to the side of the controller powered by redstone. Note that, at the moment, airships do not support blocks requiring support, such as levers and torches. Use a block of redstone to power the controller.
Complex Machines Mod 1.6.2/1.5.2
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