The Unfair Games Map 1.7.10/1.7.2
The Unfair Games is a set of challenges ment to entertain you , the different kind of challenges won’t let you get bored. What The Unfair Games actually is , it is a set of challenges , at the end of each c…Read More
iSprint 2 Map 1.7.10/1.7.2
Floating Islands, Rainbow Parkour, Sky Jungle.It includes more islands, new jumps, more trees xD, and stuff. It also includes a portal at spawn, which leads you to the actual map.Screenshots:
Downloa…Read More
The Ship Adventure Map 1.7.10/1.7.2
After being kidnapped from your village by a pirate crew, you must now escape your confinement. Battle through zombies and skeletons in order to reach the captain and avenge your village.Bosses drop music d…Read More
Theater Airship M.S. Prima Vista Map 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2
The M.S. PRIMA VISTA is a luxury liner and moving theater that is used by the Tantalus Theater Troupe in Final Fantasy IX on the Playstation 1. The back end of the ship serves as the primary stage…Read More
Nimble Quest Map 1.7.2
This Parkour map made by Pumpkingpie.Visit the original map thread here for all info.Warning: Please switch to survival mode for more enjoyable experience.
Nimble Quest Map 1.7.2 …Read More
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