Tweak Pack Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
Tweak Pack is a collection of small changes and additions that hopefully improve the Minecraft experience. This includes the old ClaySoil mod.Visit the original mod thread here for all info.Features:
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Hatchery Mod 1.10.2
Hatchery mod adds new meaning to chicken farming in Minecraft. Hatchery adds in new Blocks, AI, and Items to aid payers in farming your own chickens. New blocks include a nest for hatching new born chicks, …Read More
More Meat 2 Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
This mod adds a huge variety of new meat items and alters most of the animals in the game to allow them to drop these items.It also adds the very useful Meat Machine. You simply place this block in the grou…Read More
Dyeable Beds Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.2
This mod allows you to simply dye beds in Minecraft, nothing more or less. Recipes have now changed for crafting beds. 1 white wool, then 2 colored wool for which ever color bed your crafting.
Downlo…Read More
Crossroads MC Mod 1.10.2
A Tech and Magic mod with the goal of making automation interesting. There is no one block solution, and every system has to be carefully designed in order to make it the best it can be. Prepare to design h…Read More
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