The Zombie Pigmen now have a place to call home, in the Piggy House. These structures will generate in the Nether and the Overworld Biomes. Some people have found Loot within these Houses.
While in the Nether, you can construct a Summor for the final Nether Boss. To Build place: 1 Wither Dust Block in the center, 4 Gold around it, 4 Obsidian on the Corners, surround that with Fire then place a piece of Darkfire in the middle (using wither dust).
Once you’ve beaten all the Nether Bosses, you can build a Infernum Altar. Which is required to build the Abyss Portal.
To Power Place (Wither Dust Block, Wither Gem Block, Fire, Darkfire) around it.
Once you have enough Darkbricks, simply place them in the classic portal formation, the open with Wither Dust.
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