AutoSwitch is a highly-configurable, advanced mod that automatically switches to the correct tool when mining a block and automatically uses the correct weapon when attacking a mob or a player. It will also switch back to your previous item when you are done mining or attacking a mob, useful for building and going on mining trips.
AutoSwitch will look at every tool in your hotbar and pick the best one to use, using a complex algorithm that doesn’t just use the fastest tool, it also takes into account other factors such as enchantments like Silk Touch or Fortune, and if the item is damageable or not.
AutoSwitch is off by default, so hit F10 to toggle it on and off. If F10 doesn’t work for you (like on many laptops or on many Mac OS X computers), then you can change the key bindings and all the other options with Esc -> Options -> Thebombzen’s Options -> AutoSwitch Options. Also, changing the keys in Options -> Controls will not work, because the keys aren’t there. See below for details.
AutoSwitch Mod 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2
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