Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Bioshock Mod 1.7.10



Bioshock Mod 1.7.10

What features does this mod currently include?
check the “update logs” tab. there should be a full list and you can see what features get added on a specific update. 

So what bugs should i look out for? 
here are some notable bugs in this version: 
* shift clicking a crafting reload with the pistol makes your game crash and your world might seem corrupted, but it isnt. to restore your world, simply open up your level.dat and remove the gun item from your inventory trough a third party program like nbt-explorer. 
* splicers sometimes go backwards in the middle of a battle. not sure if i should call this a bug or a feature. hehe. 
* description doesnt show up on pistols that you have gotten straight from the creative inventory or trough /give. reload them to fix this. (but whatever you do, don’t shift click!!) 
* splicers sometimes wont target you if they ahve been in your world for a long time. they seem to randomly target you again sometimes, though. 

What plans do you have for the not-so-distant future? 
* all the consumeables 
* all the weapons 
* gene tonics 
* all the enemies 
* eve/salts bar 
* all the plasmids 
* various props and aesthethics 

what plans do you have for the distant future? 
* generated structures 
* rifts and the multiverse (as different dimensions) 
* characters for adventure maps
* songbird (i’m not too sure how to implement him/her/it) 

Bioshock Mod 1.7.10

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