Blood Moon Mod installs a lunar event called ‘Bloodmoon’, everynight the rising rate of bloodmoon is only 5% (configurable). In the following night monsters will spawn faster and closer to the player. Their spawn limit will also be higher. These stuff only occur to monsters spawned on the surface, if players are in a cave, they will not have to suffer any effect. It isnot able to sleep through a bloodmoon night (configurable).
An option in the config file can also be turned on to make all monsters spawned by a bloodmoon vanish at dawn (Disabled by default). On the visual side the moon, the sky and general light will be tinted red, to accommodate for the red sky the fog will also turn black for a better effect.
Download here :
Blood Moon Mod 1.11/1.10.2/1.9.4
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Minecraft 1.11 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11
Minecraft 1.11 Maps
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