This mod adds cabinets to show off and secure your precious items that you find while out in your Minecraft world. They are 9 slots for storage and and can be set to public or private. They are blast resistant. You can now customize your cabinets individually to appear, function and troll the way you like. Cabinets now have two slots to place items into that will provide special abilities. Some items will only fit into the second slot as they provide a secondary ability beyond the primary and do not require a GUI.
An example of a primary ability is crafting. So you would place a crafting table into the first ability slot which is below the buttons and the button just above that slot will update to say ?Craft!? So click the button and the crafting GUI will open for you. “Why do this?” you may ask. Well, concealment, space-saving, appearance. The beauty is you can un-slot the ?ability item? at anytime and replace it again or with a different ability item. There are some neat abilities available in the current version.
An Example of a secondary ability is a torch. Placing a torch in the second ability slot will cause the cabinet to give off light as if the torch itself was placed in the block space of the cabinet. There are more cool secondary abilities as well. Try items to find them.
Cabinets Reloaded Mod 1.8/1.7.10/1.6.4
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