Dynmap Mod provides players something like Google Maps, an in-browser map, of your Minecraft world, which allows viewers of the map to chat from within their browser with players in-game. The map is updated in realtime while you have your browser opened and shows the current players, regions and in-game messages on top of the map.
More Map mods to come
- Rendering support for a variety of popular Minecraft Mods:
- AdditionalPipes for BC (both v1.2.5 and unofficial v1.4.6 versions)
- Advanced Machines for IC2
- Advanced Power Management for IC2 (thanks to dannybear!)
- Advanced Solar Panels for IC2 (thanks to dannybear!)
- Artifice (new to 1.9-alpha-2)
- BetterWorlds
- Biomes O Plenty
- BuildCraft
- Charging Bench for IC2
- Chisel Mod (new to 1.9-alpha-2 ? thanks to Firehead94!)
- ColoredBlocks
- Compact Solars for IC2
- ComputerCraft
- CoralMod (new to 1.9-alpha-2 ? thanks to brakhtus!)
- Equivalent Exchange 2
- Ender Storage
- ExtraBees (thanks to HanFox!)
- Extrabiomes XL (v2.x and v3.x)
- Extrabiomes ? Bunyan
- Forestry
- Forgotten Nature
- Greg’s Lighting (thanks to dannybear!)
- GregTech
- Immibis Microblocks (new for 1.8!)
- IndustrialCraft 2
- Iron Chest
- LC Trees++
- Millenaire
- MineFactory Reloaded
- MystCraft (partial support ? thanks to HanFox!)
- Metallurgy 2
- Natura (new for 1.8-alpha-2)
- NetherOres
- NumiRP (new to 1.9-alpha-2 ? thanks to seratonik!)
- Obsidian Pressure Plates
- Pam’s HarvestCraft Mods (28 of them)
- RailCraft
- Red Power 2
- Slabcraft (new for 1.8-alpha-2)
- Soul Shards
- Staircraft (new for 1.8-alpha-2)
- SuperSlopes
- TerraFirmaCraft
- ThaumCraft (partial support)
- Thermal Expansion (thanks to HanFox!)
- Tropicraft
- Tubestuff
- Twilight Forest
- Underground Biomes (new for 1.8!)
- XyCraft
Dynmap Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
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