Hardcore Wither Mod is an attractive mod for player to practice their fight skills. It covers Withers which is spawned around and raising increasingly difficult special abilities and sweet rewards player get after each victory. There are several special abilities (boosted health) most of which are intended to be discovered the hard way. All abilities can be disabled/adjusted in configs or configured to be Blacklisted from use on a per-Dimension basis if it does play well there. Disable the Teleport ability in the runic dungeons Dimension if using Runic Dungeons
How to install:
- Windows – Open the Start menu and select Run, or press the Windows key + R. Type (without quotes) “%appdata%\.minecraft\mods” and press Enter.
- OS X – Open the Go menu in Finder and select “Go to Folder”. Type (without quotes) “~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods” and press Return.
Hardcore Wither Mod 1.8.9/1.7.10
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