Minions, based on the popular Lemmings games, is a game where you control your Minions in various ways to help them succeed through the level. Dig, mine, bash and climb your way to victory!
Featured Characters:
Blocker: Blocks other Minions from passing.
Miner: Digs diagonally – stops at obsidian and air blocks.
Digger: Digs downward – stops at obsidian and air blocks.
Builder: Builds up to 12 stair blocks.
Basher: Digs horizontally – stops at obsidian and air blocks.
Bomber: Destroys terrain and other Minions.
Floater: Falls much more slowly than a normal Minion.
Climber: Climbs blocks – stops at overhangs.
Minions (Lemmings) Minigame Map 1.8.9/1.8
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