Reinforced Bow: Does slightly more damage than the vanilla bow and also has a little better durability.
Iron Bow: Slightly more durable than the reinforced bow, does a little more damage and also has a slightly faster drawback as well.
Golden Bow: Deals MASSIVE damage, has impresive drawback but the only downside is that it has really lame durability.
Crystal Bow: The best bow in the mod so far. Really high damage, nearly twice bigger durability than the iron bow and very wuick drawback.
Flame Bow: More Damage and same drawback as the Iron Bow, shoots flaming arrows.
Emerald Bow: The best one in the mod so far. All its attributes are better then the crystal bow’s but its pretty pricey requiring 3 emerald blocks.
Obsidian Bow: This one might not be as strong or fast as the other ones but if you want a bow that will last you a really long time then this one is for you. It has a massive durability (1821) and if enchanted with unnbreaking III it will be almost unbreakable.
Frost Bow: Has really slow drawback but it gives enemies the slowness debuff when you hit them. It also should be able to spawn a snow block but this doesnt work at the moment.
Steel Bow: The Steel Bow has the same attributes as the Iron Bow but it can also knock enemies really far away as well without needing the knockback enchantment.
How to get Steel for the Steel Bow:
Healing Bow: The Healing Bow can heal any allie or enemy back up to full health. The recipe is also really expensive but if you have the resources definately craft yourself one
Legia Bow: Shoots 3 arrows at once and also has really good power and durability.
Glass Bow: Really good early game bow. Has the same drawback and power as the cystal bow the durability is only 8
The Creative Tab for the bows:
Mod Showcase:
More Bows 2 Mod 1.7.10
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