RadixCore is really an awesome mod that aims to add a library of many different functions in Minecraft. This mod is used in program and designing mods which will assist Mod Developer to complete the easy tasks. It’s important to bear in mind that this mod is not the replacement for Minecraft Forge, Forge ModLoader, LiteLoader or any other API with mod loading capabilities.
No matter you are a beginner in Minceraft or you are adept in this game, this mod will assist all of you through creating and maintaining your mobs. In particular, the mod also handles automatically several core functionalities which is usually needed in most of mods now. That’s not all since RadixCore features with additional powerful features that are enabled with only a few lines of code.
Overall, RadixCore is extremely effective to us first. The API is constructed from the core of Minecraft Comes Alive. And it’s surprising to learn that we all reuse a substantial portion of MCA’s code in our other mods and that’s why we say that this mod is actually useful.
Download here :
RadixCore 1.10.2/1.9/1.8.9
See more :
Minecraft 1.11 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11
Minecraft 1.11 Maps
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