Seed Drop Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4/1.8.9/1.7.10
Seed Drop mod allows you to customize the drops from grass in vanilla Minecraft. The mod can be both installed on a server or a client.Wheat Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Melon Seeds
Beetroot Seeds
Potato…Read More
Baby Mobs Mod
Baby Mobs adds baby versions of many vanilla monsters, each with its own special abilities. These baby mobs replace their adult mob versions when they spawn, at a certain rate.Types of Baby Mobs:Baby Blaze …Read More
Lockdown Mod 1.10.2/1.8.9/1.7.10
Lockdown is a fairly small mod aimed towards mod packs which use a pre made map.Lockdown’s main function is to create duplicates of a given template when creating a new world. The directory for this templat…Read More
Backpacks Mod
Backpacks Mod adds craftable backpacks into the game that really improve inventory management. Backbacks can either be stored in your inventory or worn by placing one in the chest armour slot. The backpack …Read More
WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game Minecraft map editor. Through a combination of commands and “brushes,” you can sculpt your world or simply perform numerous terraforming tasks.Quickly create, replace or …Read More
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