SpawnerCraft mod allows you to have the power and convenience of moving and creating (standard) spawners in survival. By collecting the essence of the mob, you are able to infuse a mob cage with the mob to create a spawner, or to spawn mobs directly. Now, to get villagers into your farm, you just need to murder them, collect their essence, and spawn them in place! To create a pig farm, just hook up a spawner! (Warning: does not edit the functionality of spawners, so mob spawners are subject to the standard rules of mob spawning: conditions must be favorable to mob spawning; i.e. passives have light and grass, aggressive have dark and space.) You can even create a blaze spawner in the overworld so you can finally use that perfect design that requires water.
Mob Souls
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SpawnerCraft Mod 1.10.2
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Minecraft 1.11 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11
Minecraft 1.11 Maps
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