December 20, 2016
Cape: You can glide with it
Speed Legs: You can run faster
Diving Helmet: You do not drown under water
Fireplate: You can’t die in Lava/Fire with it
Heavy Boots: You’re slower and you fall faster
Spring: Is needed to craft something
Jump Boots: You can jump higher (5 Blocks) ? no falldamage
Magic substance: Is needed to craft things ? You dont need to craft it in this order
Magic Boots: If you go over special blocks, they will be other blocks
Hover Boots: You can go over water/lava and if you are on air and hold the space button, you glide a short time
Obsidian Plate: You get no falldamage
Chain: Is needed to craft chain armor
Chain armor: Its the chain armor that is already ingame?
Slime Helmet: (from SlimeCraft) You can stick and move on the ceiling
TNT Plate: If you press G, it produces a explosion at your place and you dont get hurt from this explosion
Flower Plate: Sometimes it spreads flowers 1 block next to you if its a grass block
Rocket: Is needed to craft something
Jetpack middle: Is needed to craft something
Jetpack: If you press the jump-key, you’ll fly ? No falldamage ? If you put on the speed legs you are faster by flying
Skates: On the land your slower but on ice you dont slip and your faster
Pork Armor: If you put on all the armor stuff, you’ll get half a heart every 10 seconds
Cooked Pork Armor: If you put on all the armor stuff, you’ll get a heart every 10 seconds
Time-Helmet: If you put this helmet on, the time will speed up
Doublejump Boots: You can jump 2 times
Dispenser Plate: If you have arrows in your inventory, the plate will shoot the arrows automatically on all mobs in a area of 10 blocksVideo:
Special Armor Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
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