Monday, December 12, 2016

TastyFoods Mod 1.7.10


TastyFoods Mod 1.7.10


JoJok is sure this mod and things like it have been done many times, but he decided to make a food mod. Currently, it adds Pizza, Donuts, Fries, Wings, Bacon, and Tomatoes. Currently I am working on the oven feature which is going to work like a furnace but only cook Pizza, Wings, and Bacon (Or anything else I add in the future). I am young and by no means a genius in java so any constructive criticism, ideas, or the sort are all greatly accepted. The mod is currently made for 1.7.2 but according to my buddy ggp0647 it works with 1.7.10 as well.

TastyFoods Mod 1.7.10


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