Tomb Many Graves gives players ability to add just one block known as a grave. One big problem players usually face with Minecraft is that they will end up with their inventory when they die. That’s why Tomb Many Grave appears to solve that issue.
Although you can’t craft the grave and you can’t harvest it, this grave is still very important to you. It is assuming that you haven’t had graves in the configs, so when you die you will lose everything in your inventory. On contrary, if you install this mod, all of your items in the inventory will be held in the grave blocks (including Baubles) and a chat message telling you the exact location of your spawned grave.
In particular, Graves will adapt to the block beneath them. For example, if you die on a “suitable” ground substance, the grave will appear with the dirt texture. It’s pretty likely that once you’ve used it, you’ll never want to stop using it.
Download here :
Tomb Many Graves Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4
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Minecraft 1.11 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11
Minecraft 1.11 Maps
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