Growth Tonic Mod 1.7.2/1.6.4
A potion that turns dirt into grass when dropped on it.Screenshots and Recipes:Made by the finest minds in the laboratories, this tonic turns dirt into grass.
Growth Tonic Mod 1.7.2/1.6.4 …Read More
PowerItems (TNT Attacks) Mod 1.7.2
PowerItems is a mod with several OP endgame items that include Lightning and lots of TNT. There are four items, Lightning Rod, Summoner Rod, Air Strike and Ground Zero Bomb. The lightning rod does what it s…Read More
Fancy Clocks Mod 1.7.2
The Fancy Clocks mod does not offer any game changing content, however it gives the user a better way of displaying realtime. Without having to leave the game the current Time is available. At the current s…Read More
Fill Tool Mod 1.7.2
Dropping the roleplaying for a moment, this mod adds a basic terraforming tool.It lets you mark two points (left/right click) and then use the /fillblocks [block] [optional:meta] command to fill the area wi…Read More
Teleportals Mod 1.7.2
This mod allows you to teleport anywhere in your world, using portals made from vanilla Minecraft blocks.Screenshots:The basic portal allows you to travel to any other basic portal that’s lined up with it w…Read More
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