Botania Mod in Minecraft is full of excitement for players getting used to the way the game works in vanilla. It includes magic spells to manipulate the world and its inhabitants in ways which are available now. This gives a review for the Garden of Glass add-on, which works with the Botania mod to enable players to build skyblock worlds while using the mod. This mod has some striking features listed below:
Create a new world with the Botania mod and Garden of Glass both installed will automatically make a Skyblock world for player using content from the two mods.
Two mods installed together enable users to get their hands on every single block, item and tool available in vanilla Minecraft, while still limiting them to a Skyblock style world.
Useless if not installing Botania mod before using Garden of Glass add-on or if you aren’t a fan of Skyblock gameplay.
Highly recommended to get Garden of Glass together with Botania.
Better Armor 2 Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
Better Armor 2 is aimed to make the armor in Minecraft better. This mod has already added multiple new armor and tool types.Screenshots:How to install:
Better Armor 2 Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4…Read More
Diversity (More Villagers) Mod 1.7.10
Tired of villagers and villages looking the same? Discover new cultures within Minecraft with Diversity. This mod adds more/better structures, and more life in Minecraft.Read more: Helpful Villagers Mod Scr…Read More
Goblins Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4
What is Goblins Mod?Goblins! is a single-player and multiplayer mod for Minecraft ,which adds Goblins and their Villages to your world! Those little buggers don?t like you at all and are willing to kil…Read More
Uncrafted Mod 1.7.10
Uncrafted is a mod which adds many new recipes for already existing items and blocks. With the modifiaktion it´s possible to craft spawner, bedrock, name tags, and many more? No new blocks or items we…Read More
Solar Flux Mod 1.7.10
The mod adds 6 tiers of solar panels that produce Redstone Flux.Information on the different tiers:Produces 2 RF/tick. Internal storage 50,000. Transfer 16 RF/tick
Produces 16 RF/tick. Internal storage 250…Read More
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