The Morphing Tool can mimic any wrench, screwdriver, hammer or wand made of twigs and petals you throw at it, making it the perfect “omni-wrench” style item.
To add a wrench style item to it, craft the Morph-o-Tool alongside the item.
Whenever you look at a block from the mod that adds that item, the Morphing Tool will turn into the item you added.
You get the actual item from the mod, not an emulation of the item or a container. This ensures 100% compatibility with that item’s functionality.
The item gets some NBT data tacked on to it to change its name and ensure the game knows to change it back when you look away.
Since you get the actual item, you can use it for crafting but you probably shouldn’t, as you’ll lose all other attached items.
If you don’t want the item to switch (say you have an item that does a binding style function), press F and put it in your off hand. It only morphs while in the main hand.
While in the standard “Morphing Tool” item, you can use it to rotate blocks using the forge rotation system. It should handle all vanilla blocks and most mod blocks.
To remove items attached to it, drop the item using Q while shifting and it’s morphed into the item you want to remove.Configuration:
The config file for the mod includes the following:
Download here :
Morph-o-Tool Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4
See more :
Minecraft 1.11 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11
Minecraft 1.11 Maps
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