Tyza’s SimplySharp Pack PreviewHow to install Tyza’s SimplySharp Resource Pack Notice: You need Optifine or MCPatcher for this resource pack....
About Halcyon Days Resource PackHalcyon Days Resource Pack is my original resource pack and none of them are recast or diverts of existing texture. However, Johnsmith texture, which i truly admire,has influenced me a lot in my designs. This textures can be applied to various MODs, including Connected Textures MOD (CTM), Custom Colors, Custom Animations and better...
About HelixCraft PackA simple texture pack to make the game look better. For the best experience try using the SEUS Shaders mod, but be warned, it is quite hard on your CPU.HelixCraft Pack Preview...
InformationMisa’s Realistic is only a texture patch for Misa’s great resource pack. Since it hasn’t been updated since July 2013 pscof42 had made an excellent resource patch for the missing textures for 1.7x. I couldn’t stand the default textures for the new stone in Minecraft’s snapshot 14w02a, so I decided to try my hand at the missing textures. Now I’ve continued...
About P.T. Silent Hills PackThis is the Playable Teaser (P.T.) for Silent Hills in Minecraft. This pack ‘s made with textures and sounds from the original game, like for example the sound of the radio or the embrio in the sink. For the best experience you should play on Easy and with the Sound volume turned up, but the Music volume turned off. Also turn...
About The Scribblenauts Resource PackThe Scribblenauts Pack is a pack based on the popular 2D puzzle game “Scribblenauts” The textures are inspired by the cartoony look and feel of the game, while keeping the creative feel of Minecraft. Everything has been textured; items, blocks and mobs all have been perfectly replicated from their counterparts.The Scribblenauts...
What is BattleGear 2 Pack?This is a texture pack specifically designed for the mod Battlegear 2. You can view it and download it here:
About Default 32×32 Resource PackManually double sized original Minecraft textures that change the game, but keep the original style in all its beauty. We make the textures more detailed, but retain pixelated, color limited atmosphere. Making Default is more harder than any other resource pack.How to install:...
Candyland Pack ScreenshotsHow to install:Download the resource pack.
Open Minecraft, and go to Options->Resource Packs->Open Resource Packs Folder.
Drag the zip file you downloaded into that folder.
Select the pack, and you’re done!...
About Sharpness PVP PackThis is an unfinished resource pack that he’s currently working on. It is styled around sharp borders, simple colour palettes and recogniseable textures. The blocks and items are over halfway done and there is much more coming in future! Please leave your feedback and comments below! This pack will be update daily.How to install...
About Distant Past Resource PackDistant Past is a 32x semi realistic pack that i decided to make for shits and giggles and turned out better than i expected it to. All of my work is 100% pixel art entirely made by me. Enjoy! Make sure you turn OFF “Alternate Blocks”!!! If you dont know what this does, it rotates blocks like sand, stone and grass, so with this...
PicturesHow to Install Oerlis Realistic Photo Pro Resource Pack Note: You need to use Optifine or Mcpatcher together with this resourcepack....
About“Hello World! My name is 1LotS and I am the creator of this resourcepack called “LB PhotoRealism Reload!”. This pack (LB Photo Realism or LBPR) was originally created by Scuttles, but was kind of abandoned for a while a couple of years ago. Meanwhile I started making this pack using an older version of LBPR. My version of LBPR is made for Minecrafters who...
DescriptionConquest of the Sun is a shaderpack so it needs the Shadersmod to run! As this shaderpack is optimized with the Conquest Resource Pack in mind it is entirely possible that there are unwanted optical complications when useing a different resourcepack with it. The basecode of the shader is taken from the Chocapic Shaders and modified heavily so in terms...
About Bordercraft – You won’t believe at your screenThis is a cell-shaded styled texture pack, based on the art style of the Gearbox’s game Borderlands. It comes with a 128x HD resolution, and it’s fully compatible with all the Minecraft versions: 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and more. It’s Always updated to the recently version of the game, and fixed very frequently, so check...
About CrEaTiVe_ONE’s Medieval Resource PackBored of simple or realistic Texture Packs on this website? Look over here. Here is a Texture Pack which isn’t simple or realistic. It just has the feeling of awesomeness inside it! The feeling of Middle Age which is called Medieval Texture Pack is now here! Many people say that Creative One gives off an aura feeling...
About Dragonball Super Resource PackServer uses Resource Pack and Plugins only! ??? This is the Dragonball Super Server made by JamieThe1egend, Kuraimizu and Kristina101. The server’s IP address: This is a dragonball server that uses a unique resource pack as well as plugins to create a dragonball universe. We have multiple hairstyles for each...
THE DEFAULT REALISM TEXTURE PACK 512x textures, pixel-perfect, hyper-realistic yet extremely simple, and always updated. Realistico enhances the missing realism of Minecraft with high quality textures, smoother color transitions, realistic shadows and missing details while keeping the original Minecraft feel by matching the correct colors and indication of shape....
About MoritzCraft MixpackMoritzCraft contains some textures of: Misa’s Realistic Overall by Misa, Meine Kraft by Pustekuchen alias Honeyball, DokuCraft and HerrSommer.How to install MoritzCraft Mixpack...
About Eternity [Smooth] Resource PackFriendly reminder this is a WIP, and very much so. There is a lot of things to come, and a lot of things to change. This pack will be updated weekly. Shaders used: Pack Screenshots...
MatrixHD – A beautiful texture pack,64x,3D.64x Textures for items/blocks,GUI have 1024x=1K. Random Mobs,Animated Textures,Custom Sky,Lightmap(shaders). Yes!Shaders in vannila. Make With Love in Brazil!MatrixHD Pack Preview...
About Scrolls PvP Resource PackHello this is a nice resource pack for version 1.8. Try it yourself! Scrolls PvP is a resourcepack to increase fps and be more comfortable when PvP.How to install Scrolls PvP Pack ...
AboutXenocontendi resource Pack is a pack with smooth texture style, and a heavy focus on color use. Another important trait is that building blocks stay close to the appearance of vanilla textures. (So a building made to look good in vanilla will look just as good in Xenocontendi!) The pack also contains custom sounds; and support for many mods, especially...
About Redstone Utility Resource PackEver Wanted all the best features of those ‘basic’ texture packs? Well, here it is! Made for all the Redstoners, Miners, YouTubers, and Builders out there!Redstone Utility Pack Main Features:...
About Steampomic packSteampomic resource pack is a comic styled steampunk pack that will be maked as simple as possible while holding the steampunk-ish feel.This pack is still a work in progress and far from completion....
About Realistic Rain Resource PackDo you hate the default rain sounds? Or do you love it? Then check out this sound pack, as it will change rain forever! What this pack does is it changes the rain sounds in minecraft to be more realistic than they were before. Not only does it change the rain sounds, but it also changes thunder, which is my favorite part!...
About MetalTxus’ Uncertainty Resource PackMetalTxus’ Uncertainty is a minimalist resource pack for those who dislike complex and overwhelming ones, designed to be beautiful yet simple. Any computer should be able to handle it at full speed and let the player enjoy its beauty.Video Review...
About Pirates of the Caribbean Online Pack“Pirates of the Caribbean Online Pack is the official custom texture pack of the POTCO MC: Pirates of the Caribbean Online MC Server. This texture pack has been made available for public use. However, we ask that you do not use it on your own server and attempt to compete with ours simply out of respect for the...
About Default 32x Resource PackManually double sized original Minecraft textures that change the game, but keep the original style in all its beauty. We make the textures more detailed, but retain pixelated, color limited atmosphere. How to install Default 32x Resource Pack:...
About True 3D PvP Resourece PackHow to install True 3D PvP Resource Pack:Download the resource pack.
Open Minecraft, and go to Options->Resource Packs->Open Resource Packs Folder.
Drag the zip file you downloaded into that folder.
Select the pack, and you’re done!...
About PumpkinPack Resource PackPumpkinPack Resource Pack give people the opportunity to enjoy a nice-looking Minecraft world, without the need of a fancy computer or Shader mod – easy on your computer, yet with smooth and vibrant textures for a colorful, semi-realistic look.How to install PumpkinPack Resource Pack:...
About Simple 16x Resource Pack by NibbletsThis is the begging of my new texture pack, this is a heavy work in progress. Current progress is 30%.This pack is made to go with shaders here:
About MojoKraft HD Photo Realism PackREALISTIC and DETAILED texture resource pack based on HQ photo textures, interpreting the original minecraft spirit as being a little rustic and with a slight medieval tend and not being too modern. Supports McPatcher/Optifine: CTM (custom texture mod), HD fonts, random mobs, better gras/glass/etc; featuring DOUBLE SLABS...
About Flourish Resource PackFrom completely out of nowhere from someone you’ve never heard of, it’s the flourish pack! This started out as a little hobby during was being to color harmony and themming.How to installs Flourish Resource Pack:...
What is Realistico (Bump Mapping) Resource Pack?Realistico is a texture pack (now resource pack) for Minecraft. It changes the appearance of the game.What is bump mapping? Bump mapping is a technique used to fake bumps and wrinkles on the surface of an object. This is achieved by using special maps used during lighting calculations. The result is an apparently...
The Realistic Default resource pack is one that’s targeted directly towards the audience that prioritizes realism and simplicity over all else. Over its lifespan, Minecraft has seen a whole lot of weird and wacky resource packs that try to change the default look of the game in various ways in order to give players a refreshing experience and while these packs...
The Alvoria’s Mint Flavor Resource Pack is definitely one of the most distinct resource packs available for Minecraft today. Over the years, there have been many peculiar packs that have altered the traditional look of the game in various ways to provide players with a refreshing experience, but none have been quite like this one. As the name suggests,...
Persistence resource pack is a mix between rustic and medieval that doesn’t stray to far from the original vibe of minecraft. As you can see from the screenshots below, Persistence is a new minecraft resources pack that totally changes the look of the game. With Persistence resource pack your gameplay will become much better and interesting. The most important...
The Elusive Art resource pack is the latest release of Bosus22, who has had many high-quality resource pack releases before this such as the StoneCave pack or the Going Dark pack. Elusive Art is designed to be a pack that takes itself seriously and implements a sense of realism into the game. It doesn’t take the cartoon-ish approach that many modern day packs...
The Freitag Gesicht Resource Pack is a very clever resource pack that makes very subtle changes to the visuals and textures of Minecraft that might not seem that massive on paper but they actually have a pretty tremendous impact on the way the game looks. The whole idea behind the pack is to take the visual style of Minecraft as it is and then give it a unique...
As the name might suggest, Modern Craft Resource Pack is a useful resource pack for giving your Minecraft world that modern look and feel which some players seek. Granted, it isn’t as great as some resource packs with much higher resolutions and more detailed textures, but its smaller size and resolution of 32x allow practically any Minecraft player to...