Xth’uoth Mod, which is a Thaumcraft addon, makes it possible to innstall a new deadly dimension to the Minecraft. Many fantastic, if not dangerous, denizens, yet great treasure will be added waiting for those who can survive this perilous realm! Let’s begin your journey by downloading this mod if you think you have the mettle to travel to Xth’uoth and endure its hazards!
There are innumerable dimensions in our universe and I have explored many. I have seen a myriad of wondrous things in my travels: immense fortresses made of dark, blood-red brick hovering over gigantic lakes of boiling lava, and guarded by deadly fiends whose mere touch promises a slow and painful death; expansive underground labyrinths whose halls are patrolled by fierce half-man half-bull beasts who would no sooner gore you on their horns than lob off your head; a gigantic floating island made of white stone in the middle of the void, home to frightening slender beings and a terrible winged dragon. Yet none of those experiences prepared me for what I would encounter in Xth’uoth.
For 1.7.10
Xth’uoth Mod 1.7.10
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