Unlike some other resource packs which focus on changing only a few elements of Minecraft, LIIE’s Resource Pack makes everything in the game look different, from the grass in the dirt to the armor you wear when fighting against other players and monsters. Actually, the armor designs are pretty nice, especially the detailing on the core of the iron armor and the change in colors for diamond gear. Fans of Final Fantasy will immediately see that the swords look much bigger and thicker than normal, bringing to mind the iconic buster sword from the seventh game in the series.
The single texture which pops the most thanks to LIIE’s Resource Pack is probably the grass. Not grassy dirt, but the actual grass that grows on the dirt, the stuff you can hack down and sometimes get wheat seeds. According to the creator, this pack actually works with every version of Minecraft, but that’s kind of hard to believe. The 64x resolution is pretty nice though, especially since it allows for things like a custom sky, custom water and other changes from Minecraft’s vanilla look. There is no texture which looks the same in this pack, though there are also no textures which are difficult to identify.
When looking at textures like the enchanting table, it will be apparent that LIIE’s Resource Pack contains quite a number of 3D models as well. Granted, this pack only looks its best when you include a number of other mods like connected glass and random mobs, but even without these additions it’s still a clear upgrade over traditional Minecraft textures. Probably the only bad thing to say about it is that some of the ores look very similar, so they’re hard to tell apart in the dark.
Download here :
LIIE’s Resource Pack
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Minecraft 1.11.2 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11.2
Minecraft 1.11 Maps
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