TorchMaster Mod 1.11/1.10.2 adds a special torch which prevents mob spawning in a configurable radius. This mod also adds a new Block: The Terrain Lighter: A block that places torches in a configurable area. The Terrain Lighter needs fuel (Coal, wood or any other furnace fuel), torches and a redstone signal to operate (Lever, Redstone Torch, etc). The Block helps you light up the area around you while you build your home early game. Keep in mind that the Terrain Lighter is not perfect, there might be a few spots which are not lit enough to prevent mobspawning, but it should be decent enough for all those lazy guys out there.
Special torch
Terrain Lighter
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TorchMaster Mod 1.11/1.10.2
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Minecraft 1.11.2 Mods
Command Blocks 1.11.2
Minecraft 1.11 Maps
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